Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pregnancy Survival Skill

This came across my 33 week informative -what's happening to your body and baby- email and made me laugh. Do you really have to be pregnant for this to apply? You decide...

Pregnancy survival skill: How to get out of a soft chair:
Put your feet flat on the floor and bend from the hips. Push on the armrests with your hands! Use your stomach muscles. If upward motion is still elusive, pick up your magazine and yell for more mint-chip ice cream. (Standing up is totally overrated anyway.)


Louise Plummer said...

It's old people survival skill too.

Becca and Billy said...

Lol mmmmm ice cream.

lulu said...

Funny they include this like it's life or death. Just by the way they use the word survival. My favorite part is when they say, "use your stomach muscles." Ha! What stomach muscles?!?