Monday, February 15, 2010

8 Weeks

My buddy is 8 weeks old.
We have grown so much in the past two months.
Tomorrow I return to work. I'm not ready to go back to work. JW is not ready for me to go back either. I am so greatful Grandma Nay is going to be loving him for a few months while I make the back-to-work transition. Otherwise JW and I might have run away.


lulu said...

He's adorable. So so sweet. AND, I love the portraits from Peekaboo photography. Awesome!

Trieste said...

It is so hard to go back to work, I hope you're able to make the transition okay. Take a picture of him with you so you can see him all day! Good luck...I still can't believe it's been 8 weeks already.

Aquamama said...

Oh, he is so sweet! I can't wait to hold him again!