Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tag! I'm it!

Blog tag - Rach got me. So now I guess the rules are that I am supposed to list six facts, habits or embarrassments about myself and then tag six more people. Well geez, Rach tagged the six people I know that might actually read this, so I might skip that part.

Fact/Habit/Embarrassment # 1: Tonight I had a Halloween piano recital, where I played some guy's Ritual Fire Dance for two pianos in a go-go girl costume. To the audience I'm sure it was amazing. To me, who has put 1000s of practice hours into this piece, it wasn't perfect. I totally botched the ending, which is the best part. Good thing this piece moves, otherwise someone might have noticed. At least my costume rocked!

Fact/Habit/Embarrassment # 2: I am working on being a nicer person. Colleague A once sent me an email criticizing Colleague B. Because at the time I was such a terrible person I responded, but instead of responding to Colleague A, I responded to Colleague B, the person initially being criticized (note: dumb, dumb, dumb). My response was not nice either, and now I had just sent it to the wrong person. Ruined my life in that moment. It pretty much ruined her's too. Lesson learned: look for the good in people, not their faults. That way if you send an email to the wrong person, at least you are complimenting instead criticizing them.

Fact/Habit/Embarrassment # 3: I am painfully shy. Those who know me never believe it when I say it, but it is absolutely true. For example, I see people I went to high school with all the time who, in my mind, were the "popular kids," the homecoming queens, football stars, school officers and everything I was too shy to ever be (BTW, I am a self-proclaimed nerd too). It stresses me out. There is always a moment of recognition between me and that person and what do I do? Oh, just look away and pretend I'm invisible. You know, like a two year old who covers their eyes to hide - if I can't see you, you can't see me either. The old home town is too small. Maybe I should move to Nebraska since nobody actually lives there.

Fact/Habit/Embarrassment # 4: I am a girl who likes to start lots of projects, but can never finish them. For example, I think I can paint. Can I really? No, not like Heather Woodbury, but I like to think that someday my art will actually be lovely enough to hang on my wall, that is, if I could ever actually finish a painting I've started. I also like to make quilts for my friends who have babies. In fact, my friends always tell me they look forward to receiving one of my quilts even if it is just before the child leaves for college. My latest ambition: to create a Mary Engelbreit cross stitch called "Believe." My Mom made this cross stitch and I love it. It only took her 7 1/2 years to get it done. Well, at least I know I come by this fact honestly.

Fact/Habit/Embarrassment # 5: Mr. G was just reading over my shoulder as I ponder Fact # 5. Soliciting feedback from him, he said "You're nappy." It's probably a fact.

Fact/Habit/Embarrassment # 6: I've been reading "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. I know several people who have read this book and testify that through this "law of attraction" and a mental shift in positive thinking, your life will be changed forever. I'm all for positive thinking and believe there is some truth to it. The fact is, I always get to the part of the book (or more recently, while listening to the CD that Heidi let me borrow) that says the law of attraction doesn't compute "don't" or "not" or "no" or any other words of negation. Then it precedes to list several examples, such as "I don't want a bad haircut" then in italicise the "Universe" interprets this to mean "I want bad haircuts." This is the Nephi 2 of this book - I just can't get past it. Sorry, but if I say I don't want a bad haircut, then I really mean it. If I say I don't want to walk for 10 miles with a rock in my shoe, then I really don't want to walk for 10 miles with a rock in my shoe. The real secret is this book sucks. If any one out there wants a copy, I have two.

Tag Renee. Get blogging.


Rachel said...

Pretty funny.

Elizabeth R said...

Im highly entertained.

TomKat said...

You're funny and obviously the secret isn't working for you because you are being so cynical...try it for real, I promise it works, especially with parking stalls haha.