Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Friend Debbie

Please welcome Debbie Downer as my guest blogger.

JW just completed his first week of daycare. He's making a lot of new friends and establishing a routine. He's even brought home a crusty nose and smoker's cough that has spread across the entire family. WHUAW WHUAW.

The Dad is working hard; jet-setting to NYC for important meetings week after week. He promises to be helpful when he gets home then he reminds me of his golf date with his friends all day Saturday. WHUAW WHUAW.

Mama is feeling a little down and a lot lonely. Really just wants to chat with an old friend, but realizes her friend is by appointment only and costs $100/hour. WHUAW WHUAW.

1 comment:

Jen Brown Wunderlich said...

Been there. Done that. Hang in there, girlie. BTW, I LOVE Debbie Downer. WHUAW WHUAW