Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Handel's Hallelujah Chorus is an all-time favorite piece of music. I think my love for this piece began as a young girl when I would join my Mom for the annual Utah Symphony Messiah Sing-In at Abravenel Hall. The best part of the chorus is the very end, when there is a brief, or long, pause. I would wait for the silence, inevitably interrupted by some guy's cough, and then end in a grand finale and a roar for the hall when it was over. The older I get the more awesome the song becomes. It moves me to tears almost everytime I hear it and sing it. Who knows why? Maybe it's the words and the exuberance in praise the song invokes.

So when my Mom sent me this link today I was blown away. I wish I were there the day this happened in the middle of a Macy's department store. Instead, I just pretend I was there. I'm pretty sure I would have started singing at the top of my lungs, even though I probably wouldn't have been one of the invited choir members. I probably would have cried too. The experience would have been amazeballs.

Experience it for yourself.


Louise Plummer said...

This made me so incredibly happy! Thank you.

Amy said...

Oh that would have been SO cool to have been there. I counldn't ever even get thru the song in A'capella without crying.

Rachel said...

It's so nice to have grown up with some culture. Do you realize how lucky we were? Thanks Mom. Thanks for posting this Sissy. I got a little misty eyed thinking of all the times we've sung this.

Nay said...

Gave me goose bumps, and you girls made me cry! Love ya!

the lawrence's said...

That is so amazing! I wish stuff like this happened in Utah.