Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Olympic Torch Run 10 Year Anniversary

I was just reminded that today is the 10 year anniversary since Papa Bear ran the Olympic Torch and passed it to my step-sister, Nicole.    They ran the torch for a few blocks along 11th Avenue in Salt Lake City as part of the Winter Olympics in 2002.  It was an exhilarating moment for all of us and indeed a once in a lifetime experience for PB and Nicole.

 If I have my story straight, Nicole nominated PB for the courage and selfless act of donating one of his kidney's to his oldest son, Ben (in the red jacket).  A few years later, that kidney fell apart and Ben's brother Paul (in the blue jacket) donated one of his kidneys to Ben.  Now Paul lives on through Ben.  Pretty remarkable.
Ben, Nic, PB, Mumsie, Paul

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