Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bathroom Art

If you've ever been in my house, you know every wall is brown. Paper bag boring old brown. When we decided to remodel the bathroom, I made it known that we were going to paint the bathroom and our bedroom a different color. I need light, airy, and peaceful. Get me out of the paper bag. So I chose a charming yellow color for both rooms. I love my bedroom, but as the bathroom started coming together, it was clear that this yellow was not going to work. So now that the bathroom is 99.9% done, we told the contractor we want it repainted. "Ok, what color?" he asks. We don't know. G and I picked up eight paint samples at the home improvement store last night and came home to test them out. This morning I got up and decided of the nine paint colors on my wall, I don't like a single one. How could they all look so pleasing on the 3x3 inch card sample, but once on the wall it looks like cement or mud or paper bag? I was tempted to get a sample of "Breath Blue" or "Maine Mist" (can't you just see the colors by the name?) to be a little more trendy and bold, but no, since I am bold-averse I remain in neutral territory. By the end of the day today we had chosen the new color, which is not one you see here nor is it bold. The guys will be back someday to repaint. Sorry, you're going to have to wait a few more weeks for the big reveal. Until then we'll enjoy our bathroom art.


Rachel said...

Big sigh...I guess you summed it up for me. Cement and mud.

Gold-E said...

What color would YOU choose?

Rachel said...

Do you really have to ask that?

Gold-E said...

Yeah, I want to know.

ML said...

So I'm still waiting to see what color you picked! I'm a big fan of COLOR. We did purple venetian plaster in one of our rooms in our old house, and I loved it. But I definitely know what you mean about the color chips NEVER looking the same on the wall as they do at the store. The only thing that's more annoying than telling your contractor it needs to be repainted is not having a contractor and knowing that YOU have to repaint it. That happened in one of my bathrooms. I swear I painted it 3 times in a row. That's the only time you're glad you have a small bathroom.

Gold-E said...

I remember your purple room! I loved it - the texture especially. Oh, you guys are going to be so disappointed when you see the color, or lack there of.

Slade said...

Ok, I'm ready for you to choose a color. You have me on the edge of my seat...I even linked to your blog from mine. Don't keep us waiting!