Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Your Greatest Growth

I work in the financial industry and unless you live under a rock you know the market has seen some tough times lately. The firm I work for is no exception. So the other day one of our marketing guys, who, like any great marketer, can put a postive spin on any worst case, sent around this quote to help some of us adjust our attitudes:

"Your greatest growth comes during tough times and challenging assignments. When you're going downstream with a strong economic current and the wind at your back, you're less sharp and not totally aware of the external influences that are helping you along. It's only when you face a tough headwind, where you have to diagnose and fix a business challenge, that you achieve real growth. And as you build your skill set over time, you reflect back on these challenging experiences as the most important, so try to appreciate them when they're happening." - Phil Bolsta

I like it. I've read it several times and everytime I do I think, sheesh, this applies to My LiFe. Consider it.

1 comment:

Aquamama said...

mmm, love this one too. Very inspirational, I think I am in definate need of some uplifting reminders to keep my head level and my heart open!