Being pregnant for the first time has taught me a lot about growing a human and the physical demands on my body. Things that are really unexplainable until you go through it yourself. For example:
- nausea
- sleepiness
- fat ankles
- taffy-pulled ligaments
- loss of brains
- loss of breath
- waddling
- hearing a heartbeat
- seeing a baby
- kick
- punch
- roll
- hiccup...hiccup...hiccup
And a new one for me today - checking the cervix. Holy s-h-i-t {sorry moms}. I thought this would just be a few finger poke around. No. It's a whole hand scrub down. Thank you very much. Now, would someone like to give me the REAL story on labor and delivery? Because I don't want any surprises.
The good news is, I'm 1 1/2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. That's ahead of schedule! JW just might make it into this world in December. I hear jingle bells!
Love the photo. Your feet actually look amazingly good, for 8 1/2 months preg. Just wait until they check your cervix when you're in labor...that's when the real fun begins!! Seriously's one (very) bad day(give or take 24 hours) and then you've got your little guy in your arms, totally worth it. But for what it's worth, with both kids I said the next morning, "I will NEVER do that again." (but then, obviously, I did.)
Somehow women must forget about all this painful stuff, otherwise humanity would have never survived. I am not looking forward to my next appt. (not another cervix check!?). Sheesh, and during labor too? I can't think about it!
Um, they forget about some of it but not the fact that they completely lost every shred of dignity in front of both those nearest and dearest AND complete strangers. The finger poke thing seems like nothing compared to the almost inevitable pooping in front of everyone. My blood pressure is going up just thinking about it. For the millionth time, why can't guys do this every other time?! Life is so not fair. At least if our husbands had to go through it we could commiserate with each other over emotional scars likes pooping in front of everyone and battle wounds like hemorrhoids. Instead the hubby just gets to feel smug because he doesn't have stretch marks or flabby skin. When I have my own world, things are going to be a little different. :)
Oh, honey. I'm sorry. It hurts.
Randy said to go for a flight on Southwest. Works for some!
I guess I forgot to share that fun part with you when I was describing some of the real labor happenings at your house! I agree with one of the other have so many different people checking you and looking down there that you lose any kind of sense of dignity. I hope all goes well for you and soon...I spoke to someone at the SpaClub that says they will do pregnancy massages near the end to help stimulate contractions, if you're interested ;)
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