Friday, August 20, 2010

8 Months!

Happy 8 months old birthday, baby boy! You are becoming quite the little boy. I think this is because you have figured out how to crawl and you are certainly on the move. This new found freedom has its pros and cons. While this is still a new endeavor for you, you currently only manuever around the small area you occupy with your toys, however I can tell you are on the verge of discovering that your little arms and legs can get you places. This can be dangerous since you are quite inquisitive and mama hasn't exactly JW-proofed the house.
This month you spent several days on the shores of some body of water - Bear Lake, Island Park Reservoir and a swimming pool. You seem to like the idea of getting in the water, but once you're actually IN the water, you're a little uncertain. If I had to guess I'd say this uncertainty stems from the temperature. You definitely don't enjoy being cold and said lake, reservoir and pool weren't exactly hot springs. I don't blame you for being leary. I didn't exactly jump in myself.
You did like the beach though. The sand was especially entriguing and...tastey? You were somewhat content on the boat too - your first boat ride ever - as long as I didn't get too excited and start yelling {like when Grandpa Ted flipped Auntie EZ off the tube and I laughed and hollered. My excitement freightened you}.

Thank you for being my sweet pea. While you have your cranky pants moments, your schmoos and loves, laughs and drools make my days.


jsgold said...

Darling photos. He looks wiser than 8 months. What a sweetie!

Lisa said...

Seriously eight months? He's such a cutie pie!

Emily said...

He's so handsome! I love his chub too! I can't believe he's crawling too! Porter is not crawling, but rolls everywhere. Ready or not, mobility her we come!