Friday, August 13, 2010

Nature's Harvest

Earlier this spring my mom gave me four tomato plants for my garden. She's given me tomato plants before and as soon as I plant them they disappear. I've always blamed little bunny foo-foo for eating them, but I have a second, even better theory that G has pulled them out of the ground thinking they were weeds.

Anyway, this year I planted the four plants and lo and behold I have tomatoes! Here is one I picked {on accident} a few days ago. A little window-sill sunshine ripened it right up. And I turned it into my favorite summer treat - an open-faced tomato sandwich. Holy cow, that was one awesome piece of fruit. You can't buy that flavor in the grocery store.

In other great news...JW officially has a highchair! Isn't this a beauty? I would guess circa 1987. Totally vintage. I had mentioned to my neighbor that I needed a highchair. I had made a trip to IKEA to get their cheap-o delux set and they were out! Two months on backorder! I guess IKEA underestimated the Utah baby mill. Anyway, when I got home from work last night this was waiting on my porch. What a difference it has already made in my life. JW eats soooo much better now that he's trapped without distractions.

And in case you can't tell from the above photo, there is an awesome heart sewn right into the vinyl. By the shape of it, I wonder if it was an after thought in the Chinese factory, or maybe someone's first day on the job.

1 comment:

Nay said...

Niiiice. Just about identical to mine!