Monday, March 16, 2009

New Rule: You Have to Like What I Cook...

Tonight I committed to going back on my nutrition plan, which means if G wants to eat, he's on the plan too. To do this meant some serious grocery shopping that consisted mostly of fruits, vegetables and poultry. Throw in a few cups of yogurt and cottage cheese, and we're set. On the way home G was asking me what the hamburger buns were for. When I told him we were having turkey burgers for dinner this week he winced. That is when I made the new rule: if there are any complaints about my meal plans, than the complainer is responsible for planning and preparing next week's menu {to my specification, of course}. I'm pretty sure G will "enjoy" the turkey burgers.


Elizabeth R said...

Way to go! Looks like we are all in this plan now!

Rachel said...

They're not so bad with seasoning and avacado. At least that is what we have figured out. Just load them up with as many burger type veggies and they can be ok.

Slade said...

"You get what you get...and you don't throw a fit".