Sunday, August 16, 2009

When Husbands Try to be Smart

This is going to be JW's room. As you can see, it is far from ready for him. It has been used as a spare bedroom/craft storage/fabric warehouse/misc don't-know-where-else-to-put-it room for the past several years and I am now starting to clean it out for baby, as you can hardly tell from the photo. I bought three bins yesterday thinking that would be plenty for ALL of my blankets and fabric. They barely accomodated the fabric/blankets that were being "stored" on the bed. I haven't even touched the fabric and other notions in the closet, which also needs to be packed. I sorely underestimated how much craftiness I have accumulated. Eye, ye ye. G, thinking he was being helpful, asked me in the midst of all of this where we were going to put the crib. When I pointed to the specific wall, he said, "What are you going to do with the bed?" (seen pictured above). "Take it to the basement, or move it to the cabin..." To which he replied, "How about if we put the crib over in the corner?" {as he points to corner at the foot of the bed, implying that the bed stays in the room and one would have to crawl over it everytime you wanted to get the baby in and out of the crib}. I kindly asked him to leave the room and not come back until the baby is born, unless of course I need him to move something out, i.e. the bed.


Rachel said...

Maybe he was implying that was where you were going to be sleeping until your baby sleeps through the night?

Gold-E said...

Probably. Too bad. The bed is coming out.

Nay said...

how about those space saver vaccum bags to store your material? I need some more for blankets, etc.

ML said...

Yeah, what do guys know about arranging a room anyway? Justin has a fetish with "space saving" kitchen containers and drawer organizers that don't exactly end up saving space. It drives me crazy when he comes home with more of them.