Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Whole Lot of Nothing

I feel the need to blog, but am lacking in material. Usually G makes for some good blog material, but my pregnancy-onset alzheimers has me forgetting just how goofy he's been lately. I could tell you some new developments in my growing mid section. I'm sure this is such a bore to most of you who have a half-dozen kids already, but to a new mom, it's pretty cool.

New developments:
1. JW has gone Kung Fu Panda on me. He's a karate chopping fool all.day.long. and I love it.
2. I'm starting to pop. Today my neighbor noticed and said I look "cute." I'm sure I've used this on other prego women, but hearing it myself I'm wondering if "cute" is really the right word.
3. Yesterday, for the first time ever, I saw my belly move with a karate chop. I thought I was hallucinating.
4. I'm battling a cold. It's all I can do to not think about swine flu. Seriously, swine flu is life threatening to prego ladies? The thought alone is killing me. {I'm sure some of you, my overprotective readers, are thinking how irresponsible I'm being about not going to the doctor. I'm getting better, so I'm pretty sure it's not swine flu. Plus I never had a fever, or vomitted, or had the runs. Just a good ol' fashion runny nose}
5. Somebody asked me recently if I was going to make JW a quilt for his nursery. I quickly answered, "No. He's getting one already made from Pottery Barn." This didn't make sense since I've made quilts for every new baby that has breathed life for at least the last 10 yrs. Now I feel bad. Ok fine, I'll make JW a quilt...maybe.
6. G has been awesome about tickling my arm without me having to demand it. This is huge. Maybe I should be prego mama all the time.


Gayle said...

Just had to say congratulations to you two! I love to read exciting news like this -- so it's not "nothing" to me! :-)
-Gayle (Victor's cousin)

Anonymous said...

A little boy melts mom's heart. I am sooo happy for you. Be happy for boring because you will wish for a boring day here and there soon enough. That room looks like it will keep you busy. I would be happy to help move that bed, give me a call.
Marilyn VanK

ML said...

You make awesome quilts! I can't believe you would even consider not making your little guy one. Of course you have to make him one. Yours are much better than Pottery Barn's.

I'm with you on the swine flu thing, but they don't have me convinced that their rushed vaccine is any safer than just getting the plain old swine flu.

Gold-E said...

Marilyn - I might take you up on your offer!