Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I had my regular monthly appointment for the wee one today. Everything seemed normal until you hear the doctor say something like, "Your ultra sound presented an abnormality." Then everything turns to Charlie Brown talk, you know, whooa whaooa whaooa whaooaa whaooa. He told me I have what is known as velamentous insertion, which is where the umbilical cord is attached to the membranes of the placenta as opposed to the directly implanted. Dr. L was kind enough to draw me a little picture explaining the condition and told me it occurs in about 1 - 2% of preganancies. Awesome. How could I be so lucky? Other than this, all things look great. The position of the placenta is great, the baby is getting oxygen and nutrients and is growing normally, but that he needs to be careful during delivery to ensure the cord is not ruptured.

Now, at the time I had no idea what he was talking about and didn't know what questions to ask. The Dr. seemed confident that all was well and I didn't leave terribly worried. Than later today, because I have to know everything, I Googled velamentous insertion. Oh boy. Why did I do that? Now I'm a wreck. Don't Google it mom, I don't need you to be a wreck too. I have to have faith that Dr. L knows what he is doing. He is the best Dr. in town. I may give him a call tomorrow just so I can sleep at night, but, my friends, I am not going to lie - I am freaked out. Please keep JW in your prayers.


Rachel said...

I wouldn't have called me either.

Louise Plummer said...

I can't even think about this. Why can't they take it by C-section if there's any risk at all?

I can't tell you how many times we have stood in Daynes Music slathering over the pianos. Even on sale, the price takes my breath away.

We did once have a Steinway upright, which was an excellent piano, but it didn't fit in our avenues house and we sold it.

Amy said...

First, I am SO thrilled that you are a 24 week prego mama. That is SO cool. also, I know that everyone's experiences are thier own and different, but I had a terrible first ultrasound with my first baby. There was a chance she was going to be severly retarded, or not make it at all. I felt peaceful about it until I googled it. Then all hell broke loose inside me. I had to wait 10 weeks, and the problem fixed itself- but listening to what the world has to say about problems is so much worse than listening to your heart. I will keep him in my prayers.