Friday, April 9, 2010

Growing Boy

As I put JW to bed tonight I was suddenly overcome with emotion. Today a friend of ours had a baby-her first-a little girl. Looking at her sweet pictures, just hours old, reminded me of the day JW was born just a few months ago. Though it seems like a lifetime ago, the memory of that day is still so vivid. I never want to forget how I felt the moment he touched my skin-feelings too personal to share with the world. His presence has been life altering. I can remember my life before my sweet boy was here, but I can't imagine life without him.


Rachel said...

I must be getting old, because I can't really remember life without him. BTW, he looks very related to Sydney in this picture.

Corinne said...

he is a beautiful, beautiful baby and yes, their presence is so life changing, for the better.

And, your comment about yeast proofing...that comment is exactly why I am so scared of yeast. I am going to try your trick though, I am just not sure if I need to add sugar every time or if I am wondering if my yeast is much to learn!

TomKat said...

I think he looks like Sydney in the pictures/video below as well. He is him so much :)

ML said...

He looks so sweet and peaceful. Time does fly by. It's hard to believe they start out so tiny.

H... said...

Its amazing how quickly they take hold of your heart...and never let it go. Love the pics, Beck!