Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 18 - America the Beautiful

I have decided one of my favorite places to be over the July 4th holiday is at our home in Idaho.It is quite possibly the busiest weekend of the year. Everybody is celebrating their freedom on their 4-wheelers, boats, bikes and strollers. The festivities abound. Of course I opted to get out on my own two feet and run THE hardest 10k ever. Six miles on a dirt trail, through mud and rivers and at 7,000 ft elevation. G and JW cheered me on (can you see the enthusiasm?). While it wasn't my most stellar performance, I could not ask for a more beautiful backdrop...or a more lovely weekend with my boys.


Louise Plummer said...

Your baby is so grown up. I love seeing him from the back. Happy July.

Nay said...

He does look like a big kid now. Glad you had a nice weekend.