Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Toppins a Bag

My Mom gave me this little bird feeder for my birthday with the intention that I'd hang it at my cabin. I could tell she was bummed when I told her the Forest Rangers strongly urged residents against having bird seed in the area since certain types of seeds attracts bears and could cause more trouble for the other cabin dwellers and campers in the area. I have no idea if this bird seed is bear proof, but I decided to hang the bird feeder anyway. We only pull it out while we are there-perhaps this fact will lower the risk of a bear encounter. In the couple of visits since it was initally hung we have yet to actually see a bird perch here. Only hummingbirds have stopped by disappointed they are unable to drink. Nonetheless, this is the first item I've moved to the cabin that makes it feel like "me," even if the birds, and the bears, could care less.


Daniel said...

Yeah...cause everyone knows how bears just LOVE birdseed. That sounds like a bunch of B.S. to me.

Slade said...

That is the worst song from that movie. Thanks for implanting it into my thoughts...now it won't go away.

Feeeeeed the biiiiiiiirds....ARGH!!!!!!