Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Big Release

For the last four years I have been playing the piano for my church choir (my "calling"). Playing the piano is something I really enjoy. I feel needed and appreciated and it is something I am good at. However, for the last several months it has been increasingly more difficult to "magnify my calling" (not to mention the other two callings on top of it) by calling on substitutes as we've been traveling several weekends to the cabin, last minute trips to AZ, etc. I've said to myself on multiple occassions, "Why can't I just be a visiting teacher coordinator? That way I can add value without being responsible for any Sunday duties." Well, tonight I got a call from sweet ol' Ralph Larsen, telling me I'm being released from ALL three callings and how about if I be a visiting teaching coordinator? The devil in me screamed YEEEHAAAA!! FREEDOM!!!! But the more angelic side of me was really sad, and for the first time in my entire life I CRIED for being released from a calling I've had for FOUR YEARS! What is wrong with me? I think this is debris from the funk. I should be so happy - I'm a VT coordinator! I really have no idea what a VT coordinator does, even though I wished it upon myself, but if it means I get to keep a record of visits then I tell you what, I am going to have the best damn spreadsheet the RS has ever seen.


Heather said...

This is an awesome story. I know how being in a calling can be hectic at times and bring you the most joy at times too. Good luck with your new one, you'll do great!

Sarah said...

Well said! I love reading your BLOG! LOL Congrats on the new calling,I have no doubt you will be amazing!

Lisa said...

I have no idea what a VT coordinator does either but I'm so happy for you to have the calling. You'll never guess what I just got..... Ward YW Camp Director! Shoot me, just shoot me now!

Elizabeth R said...

HAHAHA you used the word damn about your church calling. Thats awesome. So Im assuming the VT coordinator is the woman who calls every month saying "Have you done your visiting teaching this month?" Way to go!