Wednesday, February 20, 2008

{Big Sigh}

From time to time I get in a funk when, among other things, I'm crabby, I hate work and my clothes are ugly. I'm in a funk right now, to the point where I want to rip up that dream board that I was so excited about a few days ago. So instead of bringing you all into my misery, I thought I would write about a few things that have sparked moments of happiness the last few days.

I love the flowers Mr. G sent me on Valentine's Day. They are my favorite mix bunch of spring blossoms that have opened up so beautifully. I told Mr. G he didn't have to buy me flowers for Valentine's Day (just send them for no occassion in August) because I know he thinks they have no "utility" and are a waste of money, but he did anyway and I love smelling and looking at them as I come through the door. (Side note: happiness = utility in my mind)

I love when Sonia the cleaning lady comes to my house. She was here today. You probably wonder why two people without children need a cleaning lady. Well all I can say is it's money well spent. There is nothing I enjoy more than walking into a lemon-fresh home that I didn't spend hours cleaning. I love Sonia, even if she doesn't always keep good track of her calendar.

I love when Mr. G gets home from work before me and calls out "Pooookie!" when I walk through the door.

I love sitting in a steamy-hot bubble bath reading the most recent issue of Country Living. Nothing is more relaxing. Mmmmm, the lavendar bubbles smell so good and make my skin soft.


Becca and Billy said...

That is so cute that Vic calls you pookie when you get home. Sorry you are in a funk....I get like that as well. Usually I end up going Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.

TomKat said...

I love you sissy!

Lisa said...

I HATE FUNKS! Maybe it's the continual snow that won't seem to just go away! Whatever causes it, I'm sorry you're in one.

Sarah said...

I have been in a "funk" the last few days.Thanks for the the Pick-me-up. I think we can all use a reminder to focus on the things that make us happy. :D

Elizabeth R said...

Your happy list is a good one. I hate funks, and Im sorry youre in one. Shopping doesnt work for me like Becca suggest (usually it makes things worse) but a good laugh can help. Hang out with someone really funny... if I could think of someone that funny I would suggest a particular person but alas, no one comes to mind. Good luck! :)

Gold-E said...

You're pretty funny Ez.

Aquamama said...

"Pookie!" Stillllll makes me laugh!

Rachel said...

Well its just a regular funkarama on here. Looks like we're all on the same cycle or just have S.A.D. (seasonal affective disorder, or something like that.) So this just makes me so happy that you can come and have some retail therapy, a bubble bath if you want, some laughter hopefully and some good old fashioned Vit D in sunny Arizona. Can't wait to see you tomorrow.