Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 1 - A Photo of Yourself and How the Day Was

I know, it is so trendy. It's like getting a chain email with 100 questions to answer about yourself, then you're supposed to send it to 10 friends and the guy you've been dreaming about is supposed to magically appear. My hunka burnin' love never appears, but I still answer the question because you just never know what could happen. Well, it's another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody, so I'm starting the blog challenge right here, right now. Just like the magical email, there is a good chance the 30 days won't happen. Hang with me anyway because you never know what you might find out...

Day 1: post a photo of yourself with a description of how the day was.
This photo is a year and half old, but it is truly one of my favorites. I have not changed much, except my hair is blond now. My little punkin JW, is totally different, as you can probably imagine.

Speaking of JW, today was all about him {actually, most days are all about him anymore}. We had lunch with Gramma Nay and Papa Bear and headed back to their house to visit for awhile. JW's newest life lesson is all about climbing the stairs. Gramma Nay has a staircase to the second floor that JW thinks is awesome to play on. We spend the better part of our visits climbing up and down the stairs. While JW is great with the going up, coming down still requires some supervision. Today was no different, with one exception. My little dude followed Papa Bear up the stairs but decided to come back down while Papa Bear was not looking. JW knows he has to go down the stairs on his belly. He KNOWS this. Today he decided to be brave and come down like a big boy, stepping down while facing forward, and it resulted in disaster. PLUNK PLUNK PLUNK down more than half the staircase. My mom and I jumped up as fast as we could and I caught him before he hit the bottom. Fortunately JW came out with nothing more than a bonk on the head, and some rattled nerves. Scared the crap out of all of us. Needless to say, he didn't go back up the stairs the rest of the day.

JW's accident proneness for the day doesn't stop there. After lunch we were helping Gramma Nay clean off her patio. She has a picnic table that is just high enough to be out of sight for JW, but it doesn't clear the top of his head. It's like he has a blind spot for those 2 inches or so between his eyes and the top of the table. EVERY TIME he walked by the table he ran into the corner of it. He must have bonked it six times today. We finally moved the table from his path to avert any future brain damage to the kid.

It was otherwise a very lovely day full of wagon rides, blowing bubbles and chasing Gramma's chickens.


TomKat said...

Don't you know to call me when you're bored on a Saturday night? I live 5 minutes away and inevitably will be watching a movie by myself :)

Rachel said...

I love how he always has a surprised look on his face like the table jumped out at him.

Nay said...

Sadly, JW took all the bumps in stride and all was well with a popsicle!