Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 3 - The Perfect First Date

Well one thing is certain, in today's era of texting, Facebook, Twitter and the world of online socializing, I honestly think kids these days do not know how to establish real relationships. Will humanity survive? Who knows, but what I do know is Ashley on this season of The Bachelorette had THE BEST first date last week when she and the potential "man of her dreams" had a private dance lesson, afterwhich they went to a mall and had a picnic where she encouraged him to practice the dance with her and BAM, the music started and flash mob erupted. How freaking cool is that?! To end it all they had a live band play for them and the crowd.

I would die if the man of my dreams had surprised me with something like that!

Too bad reality T.V. isn't real. At the end of the day, if I were in the dating world I would be happy with a phone call from a rad guy asking me out. He would pick me up with a bouquet of flowers in hand. We would go for a picnic in the park, ride the paddle boats in the pond and feed the ducks. It would be an afternoon of quality time to get to know each other. Just talking. Face to face. He would think I was so cool, he'd call me and we'd go out again :)

1 comment:

Trieste said...

I love that you're still watching The Bachelorette...I can't give up that show either. I'm not sure I'm loving Ashley though...the whole hung up on Bentley thing is getting old. I just don't understand how into him she is (I saw an interview with Bentley's ex-wife and she said "if she is so attached to him in the 63 minutes they spent together, then, sure I feel bad for her"-in response to him playing her). Too funny! Anyway, hope all is well!