Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 16 - Observations

Oops, missed a day. Sorry followers. I hope you are not disappointed. Truth be told, the last few days have been pretty uneventful and I ditched the 30 Day Blog Challenge list after about the third day because the topics were just getting too stupid.

I have to say, this blog challenge has had me thinking a little more about what goes on in my life, just so I can return and report. Here is what I've noticed:

I get up and run bright and early in the mornings, as do several other people in this world. The last few times I been out and ran past another runner, I've noticed how nice they smell. It is like a whiff of Downy fabric softener. I am pretty sure I do not smell like Downy fabric softener. In fact, I think my running clothes are permanently marinated in my own stank. There is no good smell coming from me right out the gates. Consider yourselves warned.

I love to eat at the Lion House for lunch and do so on a fairly regular basis. I have noticed the last few times I have been there the line is out the door. Where are all of these people coming from? Well, I can guess since most seem to be youth groups and they are all wearing t-shirts that say "Youth Conference 2011 - Rupert, Idaho 2nd Stake." I thought Youth Conference was a sack lunch event. What are they doing at the Lion House? Today there was a large group who looked like they were from Camp K. I had to text my sister who can appreciate what Camp K offers. She was a counselor one summer and is "all sorts of Camp K" (her words). Those counselors have big hearts, almost as big as the campers'.


Sarah said...

I enjoy reading you Blog and yes I missed your posts! :D

Gold-E said...

Thanks for sticking with me, Sarah. It definitely helps to know people are reading!