Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 10 - 18 Months

You are a weed. You grow an inch a day and can be completely annoying. You get into places I don't want you to be. I pull you out, but you keep going back. You can sure be prickly. The tantrums....OH the tantrums!

Then I see you like this: You can be so happy... A little skeptical...

and so smart.

You are talking more and more every day and crack me up when you throw your hands in the air and say, "All done!" or stand at the door begging, "Outside! Outside! Outside!" over and over. Once outside you generally run straight for the street and I have to literally drag you right back to the house {you think it's so funny until you get in the house} and you throw a tantrum.

Nevertheless, you are a sweet boy. It flatters me that you get so excited to see me after a long day. Yesterday I was taking a nap {after running a relay for 35 hours, thank you} and you came running in my bedroom squealing, then right up to my face whispering, "Hi. Hi." Somehow these little moments allow me to forget about that annoying weed and just enjoy my little boy.

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