Monday, November 3, 2008


I don't know what it is about this song, but when it makes it rounds in my disc player, I always press repeat to hear it again. Maybe it's because it reminds me of this kid I went to high school with who was a wannabe gangster, but his 6'3, skrawny, blonde, white-boy butt just didn't quite fit the part. Crank up the bass and enjoy the beat.


Anonymous said...

Oooo, are you referring to guy whose last name was Mabey... Oh no, I've totally space his first name?! He was so street! LOL!!!

Gold-E said...

Oh yeah, what was that guy's name? Ha ha! That's wasn't who I was thinking, but could definitely fill in the blank!

Aquamama said...

I know exactly who this is! Ha Ha Ha. His first name has four letters if I'm correct!

Gold-E said...

You are so right!