Monday, November 17, 2008

You Look Tired

I swear at least once a day for the last few weeks somebody (each day is a different somebody) has told me I look tired. I look tired? Hmm. That's nice. What else is on your mind? Does this dress make me look fat? How about my hair - is it kind of flat, wet bird-ish? I've been a little slacker on my workouts. Tell me about my cankles, please.


Elizabeth R said...

Lucky for you, I don't see any cankles. And I think you look fabulous.

TomKat said...

Sissy you make me laugh. Was this taken today? You should tell the people at Wasatch that they look just as tired as you feel...stick to 'em.

Sarah said...

Grrr, I HATE when people say that. There is one woman at church who tells me every week, "Darling, you look ABSOLUTELY SHATTERED." (imagine with the Brit accent.) I'm sure I do, since I wrestle with 2 kids through the first hour and then head off to Primary to wrestle with an additional 10 or so, but no one needs to hear that. (same lady asked me if I was pregnant one week...) Tact! Look it up!

Gold-E said...

Wow - absolutely shattered. That's a feel-gooder. The prego question is really bold. If someone asks me that, I'll just reply with, "No, thank you. I'm letting myself go."

Knapp Scraps said...

Love the photo and that dress is ADORABLE!!

Now go take a nap =)