Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Post Election AH-HA

The other night G and I were discussing our thoughts on Barack Obama's 30 minute infomercial. While we are both Obama supporters, both of us expressed uneasiness on the tone of the ad - particularly where he focused on Americans facing tough times, barely getting buy, and Obama making promises for a better life. Populism, if you will.

Today Oprah Winfrey invited several respectable guests on her show to discuss the campaign and the election results. I was moved by what David Gergen, CNN senior political analyst (who has remained amazingly neutral during the entire campaign), had to say about Obama that really brought it all together for me. Gergen was reflecting on how Obama, in the last several weeks, has been lowering Americans' expectations that change is going to happen instantly. It's not going to come quickly and we all must realize that our new president is inheriting the worst economic mess since Franklin D. Roosevelt. He said, and this is what I loved, "Roosevelt's genius wasn't about bringing instant change. It took a good number of years to bring us out of the valley, but Roosevelt built a bridge of hope over the valley for many Americans and it made the times easier, psychologically, to get through. That's one the challenges for Barack Obama - to build that new bridge of hope to take these masses of people supporting him to make these forces of hope for the longer haul." I think this statement is right on. I don't think Obama is promising the world to those who are down and out, but he is trying to build that bridge of hope in American minds so we will all pull together to get our country back on its feet.


Elizabeth R said...

Amen sista! Thank goodness for Obama!

Sarah said...

Great minds think alike! I just posted something similar on my blog. Couldn't agree with you more, and I hope he will continue to inspire us as he did Tuesday night.

Francesca Crane said...

That was powerful! Thank you for posting it.

I found your blog entry through my google alerts for Bridge of Hope. That is the name of the non-profit that I work for in Pennsylvania. We serve single mothers struggling with homelessness and believe me I understand that change comes slowly!

Best of everything, Francesca

Gold-E said...

Francesca, thank you so much for your comment. I commend you and your community for your efforts in mentoring and providing support to so many women who are struggling to survive. There is nothing more powerful then teaching a man to fish. That, my friend, is building a bridge of hope!

Aquamama said...

Very moving Rebekah Roos Gold! Love this about you!

Aquamama said...

Very moving Rebekah Roos Gold! Love this about you!

Louise Plummer said...