Friday, November 14, 2008

The Original Circus Animal

Did you hear? The maker of these iconic waxy sprinkled animal crackers went bankrupt and abruptly closed down. No thanks to our great economy and the increased cost of butter, milk and wax it takes to make these little puppies, err, elephants and camels. These crackers have become a cabin-weekend staple for me. Had I known my last cabin visit would be my last taste of childhood goodness, I might have thought twice before snarfing them down. To remember my old friends I bought this t-shirt. You can get it here. I'll probably never wear it, but I thought it was fun and the store says it will send a bag of animal crackers with it, while supplies last, of course. That's all I really want.


Slade said...

So far this is the only company I hope gets some of that bail-out money.

This makes me very sad.

Becca and Billy said...

I am so depressed. Billy hates these cookies but I love them so much. I am going to have to make a mad dash to the store and stock up!