Friday, April 25, 2008

What's That Ticking?

Earlier today G and I were having a discussion about children, our lack of, and the fact that I'm not getting any younger. I brought up a conversation we had had a few weeks ago with a colleague of mine who had her first child in her late thirties. She warned us that after the age of 35 women become "high risk" during pregnancy. So while G and I are having our discussion, I bring up the fact that I am going to be 33 this year and ....tick tock.....high risk is fast approaching.

Later, G and I were cruising around on our date night and he, out of nowhere, says, "Wait, weren't you born in '76? Pookie, you're only going to be 32 this year!" Now he thinks I was trying to trick him about my age to promote near-future parenthood, but I seriously thought I was going to be 33 and could hear that clock loud and clear. Oops. Must have just been my watch.


Lisa said...

Sooooo, what does this post mean? Is there a little one being tried for soon?

Daniel said...

At least you know your conversation was thought provoking enough for him to think about your age...Old lady Gold

lulu said...

I wanted to say congrats on the 1/2 marathon. It's nice to know you would do it again. Hey! That's a marathon right there. Okay, so maybe that wasn't so funny.

Aquamama said...

Well my dear, we've certainly had this conversation before, so this is for Mr. G if he reads this.

Suck it up and bring it on! You are never going to be fully ready, it's not possible. I promise this, you will love your own child more than you could have ever imagined! Don't be afraid to change your life, it's worth it!

Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock!

Rachel said...

That's a bold post.

Rachel said...
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TomKat said...

Not going to lie I thought you were going to announce something and before the end of the post I was kind of anxious to be like "hey crazy! you're only 10 years older than me, you're going to be 32." I swear we talked about your age like...yesterday or something.

Elizabeth R said...

Love the post. Just remember this: " Hey Vic...wanna take a walk down to the beach with me?"