Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Alta Club Third Annual 5K

In today's mail I received an entry form for the Alta Club Third Annual 5K Run, Walk and Wheel. Mr. G and I have run this race since its inception three years ago. Last year G signed me up and informed me after the fact that he had put me in the "Athena" catergory, and himself in the "Clydesdale" catergory - if you don't know what that means, think heavy weights. Needless to say I was not pleased with my catergorization. After the race we didn't stick around to hear our placement. A few weeks later G called the Alta Club to find out our placement and learned we each placed first in our catergories and we could pick up our medals at the Club. I never did pick up our medals. Too much guilt.

If you're interested in participating in the race you can sign up at The Salt Lake Running Co., online at http://www.active.com/, or at the Alta Club front desk. Race day is April 26th at 8 A.M. The course starts up by the State Capitol and ends in Memory Grove. It's a good run (or walk, or wheel).

1 comment:

lulu said...

My friend I started our first jog today. Yeah, not sure how far we will go, but we decided we would sign up for a 5k to keep us motivated. I'm excited about your race. Let me know how it goes.