Saturday, March 15, 2008

New Dogs

I have been saying for several weeks now that I need new running shoes. The other night Mr. G calls me from Dicks Sporting Goods. The conversation went something like this:

Mr. G: "Hey, I'm at Dicks. They have your running shoe on sale. What's your size?"
Me: "Is it the Kinsei, (the running shoe of my dreams)?"
Mr G: "No Pookie. Those cost like $200 and they're not on sale. These are just like the ones you have now." (I've always been one step behind cool - there's a new model of my shoe this year, and these are LAST years model).
Me: "Oh. What color are they?"
Mr. G: "Well...(pause, then chuckle) they are kind of retro."
Me: "What color is retro? Like metalic Flash Gordon or something?"
Mr. G: "They're like brown and stuff ."
Me: "Like brown cool or like brown hideous?"
Mr G: "They're not bad (chuckle again). Should I get them?" Said hurriedly.
Me: (since I'm desperate for new shoes) "Yeah. It doesn't matter what color they are anyway. I'm not trying to make a fashion statement." Lie.

So he gets home and with the most guilty "You're going to look like a dork" look on his face, and this continuous under-the-breath snickering, assures me I'm going to love my new shoes. I didn't think they were so bad afterall. So what if they're not the Kinsei.

The next morning I go to the gym. Every person I walked by looked directly at my shoes. It's confirmed. They're butt.

P.S. Though they may be ugly, they took me on a good long run today and my feet and body feel glorious. April 19th, here I come!


Rachel said...

They don't look that bad. Better than the 1998 dogs I'm wearing.

Elizabeth R said...

I agree.. I dont think they are so bad! At least your feet feel good in them!

TomKat said...

I bought new shoes on Friday too! I totally tried those ones on...I'll take a picture of mine...I paid $140 for poo brown. just wait :)

Aquamama said...

Ok, I must have awful taste because I LIKE them!

The Lowder Family said...

What lowders do you know? There are alot of us. By the way I dont know if you noticed on our blog, but we are running the Salt Lake 1/2 also!! It our first year doing it, We have done the Provo 1/2 about 11 times now and we love 13.1 races!
Thanks for the travel tips, We will definatley check them out. I am totally amazed at the different people that you can meet through others blogs, Its like a whole other social club